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We're in a new decade. A decade where people of all ages have vowed to put themselves first. In the second half of the 2010s decade, the term "self-care" became very prominent in our lives. Social media was booming with the idea that we need to put ourselves first, spew positive energy into the universe, and manifest our wildest dreams. 

As we wrapped up the 2010s and prepared ourselves to turn the page into the "roaring twenties", we considered all that we learned about self-care, positivity, and manifestation and promised that we would begin this new decade with fresh mindsets. Am I right? If yes, please keep reading.

We all have different versions of "self-care". Some dedicate 30 minutes every morning to a glorious skincare routine. Others hit the gym 4 days a week. And others, well, they relax on the couch after a long day with a bowl of ice cream - that counts! And for me? Writing. I have been writing my feelings, thoughts, secrets, memories, bad moods, and happy moments for as long as I can remember. 

As we enter 2020, I made a promise to myself to continue writing and to share it with all of you. I will write about me and I will write about you. And with each blog entry, I can assure you there will be a giant mug full of coffee in my hand.

Sit Back & Enjoy Your Cup Of Joe

-Alyssa Marie

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Day Sixty-Eight

Writer's picture: alyssamariealyssamarie

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

March 8, 2020

International Women's Day

It's been a while since my last post. I realize that is a bit of an understatement as I haven't written since day 27 and here we are 41 days later. Life happens. The purpose of this blog is not to burden (or bore) you with all the reasons why I haven't written in 41 days. The purpose of this blog is to encourage positive mindsets, stress the importance of self-care, lift each other up, and never bring each other down. So what better day to start writing again than on International Women's Day?

March is Women's History Month, but often times we only allow ourselves to celebrate today, just one day. Women's History Month and International Women's Day are about celebrating the achievements of women who have come before us, honoring those who are simply killing it today, and reminding ourselves just how strong, powerful, beautiful, ambitious, and intelligent we all are. My question to you is, why are we limiting these celebrations to just one day or one month?

Women haven't always been looked at in the most positive light. I don't think I need to go into detail here, but everyone reading this is not blind to the expectations society has of women. I truly believe that if we take just one day of the year to celebrate women, we are fulfilling those expectations. We are giving the keys of our lives to men as we sit in the passenger seat for 364 days a year, but on March 8 we take those keys, turn on the ignition, and drive at high speed from sunrise to sunset. Why? Why are we doing this? We don't need a day, a month, anything to celebrate our empowerment. Every single human being has the ability to feel empowered and to empower others. We need to stop only expressing those feelings on a made up day that society hands to us and instead express them daily.

I want everyone - women and men - to look in the mirror today and speak words of affirmation to yourself out loud. Don't whisper - scream!! When you wake up tomorrow, I want you to do this again. The next day, again. Do this every single day. Do it when you first wake up, your hair is a mess, last night's makeup is all over the place. Do it later on when you're all dolled up and on the way out the door. Just keep doing it until it becomes just as important as brushing your teeth.

I am so sick of seeing and hearing women bash themselves, talk down to themselves. I am guilty of this. I am so guilty of this to the point where I haven't allowed myself to write for 41 days because the topics I thought of writing about just "weren't good enough". I was doing exactly what I told myself and all of you on Day One that I would never do. Today I'm burying those feelings for good and I hope you all do too.

Happy International Women's Day.

"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them."

Sit Back & Enjoy Your Cup Of Joe

-Alyssa Marie



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